The brand started as an outerwear only in the 2020SS season, but from the next 2020AW season, The CLASIK will introduce shirts for the first time.
I think it was last July.
At that time, we had two types of shirts, but they were all sold out in an hour and a half.
I also dealt with it at that time, but please see here again this time.
The 100 double double shirts have already sold out, so here at this timing.
It's been about a month now since it arrived at our store. smile
Since the fabric is not heavy, I wanted people to see it when it was easiest to think about.
That's why the items that are sold at other stores all over the country are already sold out.
I don't know.
The CLASIK band collar shirt using the fabric of a manufacturer who is good at making a very proper shirt fabric that has been around for a long time.

material_COTTON 100% (GIZA 45)
As I said when I dealt with it last time, this is a fabric that uses very fine cotton threads of count 200 and makes them durable to some extent.
It's a 200 count two-ply yarn.
Well, it's not that I'm selling the specs like, "Oh, how amazing, isn't it?"
However, there is no doubt that it is easy to see and understand if you compare it with a numerical value,
For example, the COMOLI shirt that we sell is 140 count two-ply yarn.
In the case of COMOLI, the yarn is used to soften the density relatively.
In addition, the APPLETREES shirt is 120 count two-ply yarn.
In the case of APPLETREES, if you just look at the numbers, it seems that the thread is a little thicker than COMOLI, but the biggest feature is the incredibly high density.
So, in terms of shirts, in general, the ones with a thread thickness of 100 or more are classified as high-end. For 100% cotton.
If it goes beyond that, you will be able to tell just by looking at it how it feels when you wear it, and how good it looks.
Since the thread is thin, the fabric will lack durability unless it is woven at a certain density.
So, when it comes to this 200th class, there are only a few people in the world who can weave fabrics of that level, and it seems that the number of people who can sew such fabrics is also limited.
A fabric with a high hurdle to complete it.
Well, it's 200 when expressed numerically, but when you actually see it, it's like this.

This is an enlarged version of The CLASIK shirt.
As mentioned above, it is a 200-count two-ply yarn fabric.

Here is another shirt, 100 count two-ply yarn fabric.
I think that the thickness of the thread and the fineness of the texture look completely different.
Compared to the high-level 100th, the fineness of the appearance is clearly different.
Well, it depends on what position the finished clothes aim for, so it's not like these 100 couples are inferior.
For example, 100 pairs can give a more durable and solid feel to the fabric, and if you wear it all year round, such as using innerwear in winter, 100 pairs would be more advantageous.
It's winter when it's 200 couples, it's cold.
However, if you look closely, you can't even see the fluff on the surface of the 200 pairs of fabric used in The CLASIK.
The twist of the thread is also very strong.
And not only is the thread thin, but the raw material cotton is also the 45th of Giza cotton, which is always competing for the best among over 110 types of cotton in the world.
I think that even if such a fiber is a 200-count two-ply yarn with super strong twist, it will be conveyed to some extent to those who like it.

This shirt has a band collar and is designed like a detachable collar.
Feather collar is not included.
The buttons are made by hand with white pearl oyster shells.
Collar and cuffs are temporary fusible interfacing.
The interlining is in a plush state because it is washed after completion.
I feel that the final press finish is stronger than when I handled it in July, so it has a slightly harder appearance.
It's the season when the temperature rises, so I think it's very comfortable to wear.
If you like shirts, I think you should check it out.
However, I think that the fabric has an overwhelming touch no matter who wears it. Because it is not of a rigid structure, some people may feel a tightness in the back when wearing it and moving.
Instead, the outline of the shoulders and arms when standing upright is very beautiful.
Well, I think it's a place that people who don't care about the back thrust at all don't care about.

This is the personal item I've been wearing since last July.

Once I wore it, I wore it for a long time, so I washed it after wearing it once.
There was a time when I tried hand washing, but now it's only a washing machine.
I'd at least estimate that it's been washed 50 times already, but the dough has swelled up and has a more melty surface touch.
Also, the collar and cuffs are three-dimensional.

And this.
A phenomenon that occurs only in fine shirts.
A figure that swells with a lot of air when placed.
This is also unique to shirts of this level.

It is sewn with a temporary fusible interlining and is delivered in one wash, so roughly speaking, it is in a state that is not much different from a plush interlining, so the cuffs are rounded.

Minor wrinkles will appear as it is not washed and exposed.
However, although it is a super dressy fabric, there is no need to send it to the dry cleaners or iron it after every wash.
I think you can wear it in the summer as well, so please wash it every time you use it and enjoy it becoming more gentle on your skin.
Check it out if you like it.