Silk is definitely one of the best materials to choose from.
A special fiber with a triangular cross-section, it has a prism effect that is discussed in the field of optics, and has a luster that overwhelms other materials.
In addition, there is a merit common to all human beings, which is the finest touch to the skin, but it is composed of fibroin, which silk fiber itself has.
Fibroin, which is made of protein, has smooth and supple properties, and is an absolute existence that other fibers do not have.
A transcendent fiber that is gentle on the skin and can be worn in all seasons.
But this time, it's a silk fabric that stands out even more.
Well, if you look at the previous blog about the fabric, that's fine, but I made clothes that are most suitable for that fabric. wait.
In my opinion, he was the starting point, and I was convinced that he would be able to create something wonderful.
"Yamauchi" A silk shirt whose fabric shines the most and has suitable sewing quality and pattern quality.

Most of Yamauchi's shirts that we have developed so far have no collars, but this time we have a special edition.
The pink coloring that looks like it's withered and mixed with ash is definitely scary.
It has a clear thickness that is not like silk, and there is no flimsy frivolity there. Gloss that is not superficial, but shines from deep inside at the micro level.
And a little silk nep that resonates with the finely detailed and intelligent appearance.
This isn't a glamorous world, but as a person who wears clothes, this is the ultimate luxury.

Even the attached button is easy to understand and has nothing to do with the gorgeous world, but it is a first-class genuine tea butterfly shell.
Among the shell buttons, this butterfly shell is a higher grade.
Among them, this time is a deep brown rare species.

The sleeves are Yamauchi quality two-piece sleeves.
An outline that flows down from the hanger while preserving the outline.
And a little special is a line that looks like a broken vertical streak. These wrinkles are individual differences for each piece of clothing, but they are created due to a special process during the dyeing stage.
It's hard to tell in the picture, but the folded wrinkles and the silk neps that appear here and there create a unique appearance. After all, it's just this much silk.
Also, the fineness of the stitching work in certain places is so detailed that I want to follow it with my eyes, and there is a dignified atmosphere that makes my spine stretch.
I think the expression will change completely depending on how you go out with this shirt. Because the colors are colors, the sun and the soil look good, so I think it's best to wear them without thinking about anything.
Throw it on over a t-shirt or white running shirt and wrap it around your waist when the sun is scorching. If it gets dirty, wash it and enjoy the evolution of this texture.
Let me wash it first. The laundry description says dry cleaning just in case, but I can't help but be interested, so I'm going to face my sexuality.
I'll let you know before the release. The washed one.
By the way, these will be on sale at stores from Thursday, January 2nd.
We use all of the dead stock owned by one of Japan's leading weavers. I think I have created a shirt that I will never see again.

Let me talk to you again. looking forward to.