amachi. Collection #007

Thank you very much for coming to Irenisa's limited-time event, which was held until the 31st of the other day.

As we enter September, the 20AW season has become even more intense.

Several brands started their new season in September, and amachi. has also started.

Collection 007, the brand's seventh collection.

"Notion of Forms"

A collection entitled "The concept of form". To put it straight.

And the focus as "shape" was "tree"

It's a collection that takes inspiration from tree bark and annual rings as clothes and "forms" them.

That's why clothes that are asymmetrical like those created by nature are mansai.

These clothes can only be created by designers who live deep in the mountains of Nagano Prefecture, face nature, and study nature.

Also, what about the color?

Earthy colors.

In the fashion industry, earth colors refer to dull hues, but I don't think there are that many dull hues in the earth (naturally).

Vivid nuts and fruits, deep green leaves, and the color of the sea that is too blue. Come to think of it, the more natural the colors are, the more intense and vivid the colors will be.

So, this season, please pay attention to such "original" earth colors.

At the moment we do not have the entire lineup of Collection 007, only the first delivery, but let me introduce it again.

A wonderful collection of amachi. looking forward to.

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